…after embalming a dead warrior, stretched him out in his canoe, and so left him to be floated away to the starry archipelagoes; for not only do they believe that the stars are isles, but that far beyond all visible horizons, their own mild, uncontinented seas, interflow with the blue heavens; and so form the white breakers of the milky way.

Moby Dick, Herman Melville

The Sponge, the cloth, the cross, the hairs ii | installation: GL STRAND, Copenhagen | photograph by Alastair Philip Wiper | papier-mâché, clay, gouache, enamel | 36INx40INx72IN | 2015

detail: The Sponge, the cloth, the cross, the hairs ii | installation: GL STRAND, Copenhagen | graphite on digital print | 26INx40IN | 2015